Article 25115

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Sergeeva Irina Anatol'evna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of management and economic security, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The growing problem of economic security of the state is aggrevated in conditions of globalization of the economy and tightening of economic sanctions against Russia by a number of industrialized countries, requiring a balanced and adequate reaction from Russia. This entails changes in the economic policy of the state, which at the present stage has no science-based industrial policy aimed at intensification of the processes of creating conditions for switching from the Russian economy to the innovative way of development. In these circumstances Russia is not able to resist the exerted pressure and to prevent threats to economic security of the state without changing the macroeconomic course and without the development of the national industry. The aim of the article is to justify a need to improve the industrial policy of the state in order to increase competitiveness of the national production and to switch the economy to the innovative way of development, to establish the interaction and interdependence of the development level of the national industry and economic security of the state.
Materials and methods. The research task was accomplished through the use of the official materials of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as studying the works of Russian scientists on this issue, and materials of the round table held on October 22, 2014 in the state Duma of the Russian Federation. The methodological potential included the monographic method, the use of which allows to explore the approaches to development of industrial enterprises, previously proposed by the scientists, and the methodical approach and indicators for assessing the technological independence of industry and the economic security of the state, the current legislative framework and its weaknesses, as well as the positive experience of foreign countries in solving the problem under investigation; the statistical method was used to analyze the data associated with identification of challenges and threats to economic security, as well as the status and trends of the national industry development problems.
Results. The author identified challenges and threats to economic security, prevention and elimination of which is an acute need in order to develop the national industry. The aresearcher considered main directions of the cluster policy in the region, analyzed the national industries and substantiated main directions of the industrial policy of the state, which is the basis of switching of the entire economy to the innovative way of development and economic security of the country.
Conclusions. The study of major threats to economic security of the state and problems of functioning of the industry causes an acute need to develop adequate and effective industrial policies that promote system solutions for a wide range of problems of the Russian economy’s switching to the innovative socially oriented type of development.

Key words

innovative development, industrial policy, economic security, security threats, technological independence, competitiveness of the national industry, lines of development.

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Дата создания: 22.07.2015 09:52
Дата обновления: 27.07.2015 09:44